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Build a nation protecting rights of everyone

Chief Adviser Prof Muhammad Yunus yesterday said people should aim to build a Bangladesh where no one’s right is infringed upon.
“We must remind ourselves that it is our failure that we are having to rely on the army, police, and Rab to celebrate a festival. This is not normal. We accept this failure for this time,” he said while visiting the capital’s Dhakeshwari temple.
“What will we do with a society like this? Do we want a society like this? We don’t.”
“We are ensuring with assistance from law enforcement agencies that you can celebrate puja. I hope we will never have to do this again. We all will work together to reach that goal.”
Bangladesh must be a country where everyone’s rights are guaranteed. “If anyone infringes on those rights, they must face immediate consequences.”
The chief adviser said following a student-led mass uprising an opportunity has arrived to rebuild the country.
“We should not let this opportunity to transform our country slip away. Do not allow it to be lost. If it is lost, it may never return.”
This year’s Durga Puja celebrations have taken on a special joy, a sentiment felt across the country as people could enjoy the festivities because of a four-day holiday.
The joy has further increased as the festivities have been held smoothly, he said, adding that everyone has made an effort to ensure that everything goes perfectly.
Both the government and various organisations have worked sincerely to achieve this goal, said the chief adviser.
He thanked police, army, Rab, Border Guard Bangladesh, Ansar and other agencies of the government for their dedication in ensuring safety of the people.
“This is a difficult task, not an easy one, and they have managed to execute it exceptionally well.”
